Hellenism Down Under Hellenism Down Under
Hellenism Down Under
We support, promote, educate and celebrate all things Hellenic with New Zealanders. We also encourage an exchange of friendship and ideas between Hellenic countries and New Zealand.
Upcoming Events
In the Footsteps of the Anzacs in Greece: Tue 13/8
In the Footsteps of the Anzacs in Greece: Tue 13/8

Hellenic New Zealand Congress would like to welcome you to an evening with John Irwin, film maker, on his 34-year journey, documenting significant aspects of the Anzac - Greece relationship.

John will show a series of short film clips on various topics including:

-         Excerpts from ‘Anzac: The Greek Chapter’ John’s 2024 feature length documentary.

-         Anzac battle sites in Greece

-         The WWI Lemnos Story

-         George Devine Treloar and the Pontian refugees

-         Excerpt from ‘Unbroken Bonds’ 2006 Pilgrimage to Crete of NZ Veterans

-         Excerpts from ‘In Rich Regard’ the1991 documentary on the Crete/NZ

-         relationship

-         Excerpts from ‘Stories My Child, Stories’

-         Episode 1 of the series ‘Out of Their

-         Own Hands’ on the women of Crete during the German Occupation

-         ‘Suda to Alex’. Home movies from the Greek Campaign and the Battle of Crete

-         ‘Petros Vlahakis’. 1990 Interview with the artist behind the iconic images of the

-         Battle of Crete (the stoning of a German paratrooper)

-         ‘Ruth Riordan’s Cretan Journey’. Ruth’s connection with the village of Kousteryerako where her father was sheltered for almost two years.

Free event (thanks to Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington for providing venue) with koha towards tea/coffee/biscuits cost. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start and 9pm finish.

In the Footsteps of the Anzacs in Greece
In the Footsteps of the Anzacs in Greece
Check us out on Facebook!
Check us out on Facebook!

We have a Facebook page where we post regular updates that may interest our followers from a Kiwi or Hellenic perspective.


Do you want to volunteer?
Do you want to volunteer?

Our Hellenic New Zealand Congress committee could benefit from some new (and younger) blood to volunteer assistance at our events. You don't have to be Greek as we welcome Philhellenes and Kiwis too.

If you're interested in helping out once or twice a year with our events and/or be part of our committee, please contact us on hnzc.info@gmail.com.

Rembetiko Live 2024 update - What is Rembetiko?
Rembetiko Live 2024 update - What is Rembetiko?

Our Rembetiko Live 2024 event will be on Saturday 19 October. Tickets will be sold on Humanitix soon.

Think of it like the Greek version of blues or soul music. Here are a couple of links to help you learn more about Rembetiko.


Watch the film - https://youtu.be/GZXSjtZ0P1I?si=uGtOXczpc4Lhnset or with English subtitles https://youtu.be/kn2Ryt50Wk8?si=23g_Jwn6UXqtjF6C

Be a member of HNZC!
Be a member of HNZC!

A reminder to pay your subscription fees please. Donations also gratefully received since we've not been able to have many events last year.

Details below from our Secretary and Treasurer, John, who's doing a sterling job.

Please deposit in the Hellenic New Zealand Congress Inc. account - 06-0582-0158704-000 with your initial(s) and last name, and Mmbr sub or donation as applicable in the code or reference field. The membership amount remains $25 single or $35 family.

An acknowledgment of the deposit will be sent to your email address. A formal receipt will be sent for donations over $5.

Past Events
'A busy year ahead'
'A busy year ahead'

Our Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 18 April. 

Doors opened 6pm for 6.30pm start at GOC Hall, school room, 3 Hania Street, Mt Victoria.

We have an exciting list of events planned for this year including a premier of a new documentary on World War II with a Greek perspective, Rembetiko Live evening and Greek Myths & Maori Legends talk.

— HNZC AGM 2024 - 18 April
"Funny, out loud funny"
"Funny, out loud funny"

While not strictly Hellenic in nature, some of our members are involved in this local production at Circa theatre in Wellington.

It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun and is on from 25 November to 17 December 2023.

Go to https://www.circa.co.nz/package/the-secret-lives-of-extremely-old-people/ to book.

— The Secret Lives of Extremely Old People (2023)
Dance like hundreds of people are not watching you
Dance like hundreds of people are not watching you

This had been postponed from 2020 when the pandemic first started and then was delayed due to social distancing requirements.

It was a night to dance and enjoy the live music and singing from Greek Band Wgtn and Briar Prastiti.

— Rembetiko Live! (11 November 2023)
Another year in review
Another year in review

The AGM for 2023 was held on Thursday 20 April 2023 at 6.30 pm .

It was held on the ground floor of the building beside the church used as the Greek school. This is a different location from last year.

We had further news about the much delayed Rembetiko function among other things and reviewed last year.

— AGM 2023
Thought provoking and uplifting
Thought provoking and uplifting

Wellington premiere of these two Greek plays, written by locals, was held in December 2022 at Gryphon Theatre in Wellington. We'd like to thank Paul Kay, President of Stagecraft, for directing these plays.

The plays were almost sold out every session with a great response from many theatre goers.

— Australis and My Father, My Son (December 2022)
"Great to see each other"
"Great to see each other"

The AGM took place on Thursday 5 May 2022 6.00pm at the Greek Community Hall in Hania Street. It was upstairs in the Library/AV room.

Due to renovations, there is one open space on this floor. The AGM was in the old Library/AV part.

For more information including new member enquiries, please contact hnzc.secretary@gmail.com.

— Hellenic New Zealand Congress AGM 2022
Winter home cooked delights
Winter home cooked delights

Our annual cooking class returned this year, with our popular demonstrator, Stella Bares.

She prepared three dishes, leek rice, giant beans and orange pie, in front of us for sampling. We also had some nibbles on the table to enjoy while watching the demo.

— Greek Cooking Demo Class (Thu 29 July 2021)
A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun
A day filled with αγάπη (love), kai (food) and fun

Hellenic New Zealand Congress partnered with Homeland to provide the opportunity for members of the Hellenic diaspora (Auckland, Wellington and Rotorua) to spend the day with Peter Gordon in his cooking school and cook a lunch as part of his Community Tuesdays.

We also prepared a 3 course dinner which showcased Hellenic cuisine to Kiwis. The event was the first community dinner at Homeland and sold out within 24 hours of being advertised.




— HNZC collaboration with Peter Gordon @Home(18 May)
Fascinating talk
Fascinating talk

Hellenic New Zealand Congress were delighted to hold a free talk about Greek films by our distinguished guest speaker, Dr Anastasia Bakogianni, Senior Lecturer in Classical Studies from Massey University.The talk included famous Greek directors such as Theo Angelopoulos (keep an eye on our future events for a retrospective film event on him) and Michael Cacoyiannis.

It started after our Hellenic New Zealand Congress AGM (also open to the public) ends so all were free to attend both events if interested in learning more about Hellenic New Zealand Congress.

It was held at the Greek Community Centre on the top floor in the AV room.

20 April 2021

— Screening Ancient Tragedy in Modern Greek Film
 New future and direction
New future and direction

We welcomed all members (past, present and future) to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which preceded a talk 'Screening Ancient Tragedy in Modern Greek Film' by Dr Anastasia Bakogianni, Senior Lecturer in Classical Studies from Massey University.

We held the AGM and talk at the Greek Community Centre on the top floor in the AV room.

— Hellenic New Zealand Congress AGM 2021 (20 April)
Collaboration with Friends of Te Papa
Collaboration with Friends of Te Papa

An event with Friends of Te Papa on the subject of Greek Easter for their members. It is an introduction to the Eastern Orthodox Easter for those who've never experienced one.

Dimitrios Mitsotakis, Stella Bares and Father George Kanellis presented their own perspectives on the most important event in the Hellenic calendar.



— Greek Easter 101 (9 Apr 2021)
Church service and 1821 documentary
Church service and 1821 documentary

Church service that included the Hymn which was one of the rallying cries of 1821, followed by showing of 1821 documentary with English subtitles.

— The Greek War of Independence Hymn/Film (24 March)
Thought provoking and wide variety of topics
Thought provoking and wide variety of topics

Series of free talks by distinguished speakers, leading up to Bicentennial commemoration.

— Th Greek War of Independence Talks (21 - 23 March)
Music with pathos and gravity Music with pathos and gravity Music with pathos and gravity
Music with pathos and gravity

Hellenic Congress was one of the sponsors for this tribute concert at Victoria University to celebrate the extraordinary compositions of a famous Greek in New Zealand.

Oikos Hellenic Cuisine helped cater for this event with delightful mezedes.

— Portait Concert - John Psathas (7 Dec 2020)
Winter warmer recipes with Stella Winter warmer recipes with Stella Winter warmer recipes with Stella
Winter warmer recipes with Stella

Our annual cooking demo class was held at Greek Orthodox Community hall in Hania Street.

It was quieter this year post COVID-19 lockdown but still fun. A nice way to spend the evening after work to watch four Greek dishes being prepared, while eating some nibbles and then sampling the Greek food once it's cooked.

We advertised the class on Facebook Events page and Eventfinda event.

— Greek Cooking Demo Class (29 July 2020)
Greek Documentary from Thessaloniki Film Festival 2019
Greek Documentary from Thessaloniki Film Festival 2019

Wellington premiere of "Ο Ηρακλής, ο Αχελώος, και η Μεσοχώρα" (Heracles, Acheloos and Mesochora, with English subtitles). The movie will start at 3.30pm after the AGM tea/coffee break as the AGM is being held same day at 2.15pm (all welcome) in the TTC clubrooms.

"The village of Mesochora, as well as the paternal home of the documentary director, is on the banks of the Acheloos river, in the mountain range of Pindos. The area, however, is flooded by the artificial lake created by the diversion of the river.

The documentary unfolds the incredible story of the hostage of the village, the family tragedy of the director himself, and the admirable struggle of the inhabitants of Mesochora."

We would like to thank the director and ERT for providing this film to us free of charge and to Elias Pavlidis for organizing the film to come to Wellington.

Direction: Δημήτρης Κουτσιαμπασάκος

Script: Δημήτρης Κουτσιαμπασάκος Cinematography: Yorgos Papaioannou

Editing: Yorgos Savoglou Sound: Nikos Paliatsoudis, Antonis Kypreos, Yorgos Petroutsas

Music: Vangelis Fampas Production: ERT Production 

Country: Greece | Production Year: 2019

— Heracles, Acheloos and Mesochora (12 JUL 2020)
Another successful raffle with funds going to the GOC
Another successful raffle with funds going to the GOC

Thanks to contributions from the Congress members including a sizable donation from John Davidson and the kindness of the Greek Orthodox Community, we set up our stall on Hania Street to raise money for the GOC through a raffle and promoted the Congress activities.

A good day had by all!

— Greek Paniyiri (22 Feb 2020)
Supporting local book event with Classical Association
Supporting local book event with Classical Association

Our very own Congress member and Secretary, Professor John Davidson, launched a new book of poetry on Romans and Ancient Greeks at Victoria University last year.

It was well attended by Congress members.

— Classical Illusions book launch (8 Oct 2019)
Supporting local theater event with Victoria Ancient Theatre Society (VATS)
Supporting local theater event with Victoria Ancient Theatre Society (VATS)

Another opportunity to provide funding, this time towards a local production of Agamemnon. The students did an excellent job, portraying their Greek tragedy on a sparse stage.

— Agamemnon (4-6 Oct 2019)
About Us
Hellenic New Zealand Congress
Hellenic New Zealand Congress

We are a group of New Zealanders, some of Greek or Cypriot descent, who have a passion for all things Hellenic.

We support our local Hellenic community groups and have an ongoing programme to celebrate Hellenism, past or present.

The Hellenic New Zealand Congress (HNZC) started in 1994 and is based in Wellington.

Check out our Facebook page.